You may have (or more likely may not have) heard that today is Opposite Day.
"What on earth is Opposite day?" I hear you cry. Well, other than a convenient reason for me to create this blog post, it is a chance to spend the day doing or saying the opposite of what you would normally do or say. In the middle of sewing reams of braid onto a jacket? Why not spend today unpicking it all instead?
Or maybe skip that and don't read on... (see what I did there?)
If you've seen any of my 'creative' photos before, you'll know that colour matching is my favourite. Matching my backdrops to the products I'm photographing is possibly the most enjoyable part of the process for me and I can't get enough of it. BUT, in honour of Opposite Day, I've consulted my trusty colour wheel in order to bring you some contrasting combinations.